I am in love with every church and mosques and temple and any kind of shrine, because I know it is there that people say the different names of the one GOD.

– Hafez –

17 thoughts on “One GOD

  1. writegardener says:

    I so appreciate you visiting my blog because it led me to yours which I love! 🙂 So many thoughtful posts and inspirations you offer, and I feel we have much in common.

    Emerson, Rumi, Hafiz and God also speak to my heart. And while not religious per se, I am deeply spiritual and am guided by “With God all things are possible,” Matthew 19:26 and “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13. I enjoyed reading many of your quotes and inspirations and hope you don’t mind that I reposted on my quotes page “Fertilizers for the Mind & Spirit” the one about the greatest distance in the world being 14″ from head to heart. While I did credit you and link back to your blog, I could not find the exact page where it’s located. If you have it, or prefer I not repost it by all means let me know. Being a neo-Luddite, I am not greatly involved with tech so my blogging skills lack expertise.

    I very much look forward to reading more of your blog as you truly are an inspiration and apparently a very wise old soul. Warm wishes to you for your continued success in fostering happiness and goodness throughout the world! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • MisaeMich says:

      Thank you for visiting mine too & for your great thoughts! You inspired me with your comments. 💕

      Indeed, we have in common! I love poets like them & many others. Truly, In GOD all things are possible. ❤️ Yes, no problem you can repost it in your quotes page too. I am posting quotes every week, so there will be more inspirations to come. 😉

      Thank you so much! You are an inspiration as well. Best wishes to you too, happiness & peace. GOD bless!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. JoAnna says:

    My prayer and wish is that more people realize this – many names for the same God. It’s like the story of the blind men who all experienced the same elephant in different ways. Thank you for sharing this vision. And thank you for following “Anything is Possible.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • MisaeMich says:

      Hi JoAnna! I’m with you, I pray and hope too. Wow! This is my first time to hear the parable of the “Blind men and an elephant” – thank you for sharing! I read it and I love the way the story told. Great lesson to be learn to many. ♥

      Anytime and thank you too for the follow back. You have a great blog will visit now & then. See you around!

      Liked by 1 person

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